I've been lax lately about writing blog posts, which is bad because my site is still too new, with too little content, to sit for long without updates. Content is king for the search engines, so if I want to keep growing this little adventure, I need to keep updating.
This week's lightbulb idea was to get myself to do weekly summaries of how things are going in my studio. Sort of like a public weekly diary of sorts. Now, I've tried regular writing and haven't stuck with it for more than a few months, so we'll see how long it takes me to fall off the wagon. Maybe announcing this goal publicly will keep me more accountable? That's the hope at least.
For this past week or so, I've been obsessing over the seasons. We had really nice fall weather this week. It's peak fall color here in KC, and I've been talking walks and bike rides around the neighborhood, enjoying it all. The leaves are so vibrant and the sunsets have been stunning.
I've read numerous places that working in a series is supposed to be helpful, but I've really struggled with it when I've tried in the past. This past week I've been trying to get myself to work in a small series of the "four seasons" with mixed results. I have 2 paintings in one series, and 3 in another. This is where I usually stall out, and I have been avoiding painting for a couple days. Again, maybe having this public account of this will be the goad I need to actually get it done.
I'm worrying a bit about the leaves falling too soon too, because we're supposed to take family pictures this Sunday, for the first time since we got married 12 years ago. My backyard has gone from very few leaves to completely covered in the past few days, so I know it's gonna be risky to wait another two days. Hopefully I picked a location that will look nice even if all the leaves have dropped!
So tell me about your past week: what's going well (in the studio or out) and what's preying on your mind? Have you been taking care of yourself or spending a lot of mental energy worrying about the U.S. presidential election?