There is no "art emergency"

around the web tips

“Buy fewer, better works of art. Buy the best you can afford. Take your time. There is no art emergency.” — Liz Klein (art adviser)

I came across this quote as I was reading an older New York Times article about how to buy art. It took me a minute to pull my eyebrows back down to their normal spot after seeing the prices thrown around (tens of thousands & millions of dollars?!?!), but once I recovered I just had to share this quote with you.

Because it's so, so true! Please take this advice to heart: there will never be an art emergency. If it's meant to be, it will happen in due course.

Trust yourself, your heart, your gut, whatever intuitive sense you believe in, and you won't go wrong. You will know when you've found the right piece of art for you. And don't try to rush the process either! That way leads to ending up with a daily reminder of your screw up on your living room wall (until it goes to the thrift store so you can rid your home of your shame).

Now, I don't see buying art at auctions for thousands or millions of dollars ever being a part of my life or "investment" plan, but wasting any amount of money, even a couple twenties, on a piece of art you regret isn't something I want for anyone. So slow down, and wait for the art that really gets you excited and that you can already envision in the perfect spot in your home.

(And, if you aren't already, consider investing in something else. Buy art for fun and to enhance your space, not as an "investment.")

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