Weekly Summary - May 14 2021

art struggles weekly summary

I'm going to sound like a broken record, because there hasn't been any improvement in my sleep situation. In fact, last night was one of the worst nights I'd had in about a week, so I'm feeling particularly despondent about the whole situation. Last week here.

The pop up event last weekend was a bit of a bust. For some inexplicable reason, it was cancelled on Facebook, but we weren't notified by email like I was told we would be. So I showed up and set up before I even thought to check. It was a beautiful sunny day, and the day before Mother's Day, but it was also terribly windy. Husband & I spent the morning filling plastic zip bags with sand, but only got 2 sand weights completed before we left, so he had to go back home and finish the other two while I literally held down the tent for nearly an hour. I had one buyer in 2 hrs, and there weren't any other vendors, so we packed it up by noon.

I did spend one evening playing with symmetry and watercolor monotype printing, but that's about the only painting I did. I did not make as much progress as I'd hoped to with prepping more art to sell at events either. I have a stack of paintings I want to take photos of first, so that I can make prints of them later if I choose, even if I sell the originals.

I did mount 7 paintings on cradled board, and I have 4 more varnished and ready to be glued down as well. I have mixed feelings on these at the moment. I love that they're ready to hang and I think that's super convenient for buyers, but for me they take up a lot more space and are hard to protect and transport to events. That's why I haven't framed a lot more art either. The matted art in bags is much more convenient. 

I also need to figure out a way to display more art in my tent. Right now I just set it on a single table, but I'd really like to have a way to hang the mounted or framed art. I've looked at the mesh walls for the tents though, and they're so expensive! If I can even find a price on a website, they're hundreds of dollars. 

But again, everything is a struggle bus right now with the lack of sleep. Weirdly I haven't been as tired the last few days, despite not sleeping. I don't even know how to describe it really. I guess it's that I'm actually incredibly exhausted, but I'm not sleepy, if that even makes sense. I'm incredibly frustrated with it, and have no desire to do anything productive. I'm at war with myself on that too--if I'm sleeping less, technically I have more time to devote to my businesses and should be making tons of progress. But I'm also more than a little convinced that overwork is what got me here in the first place. So I've really just been torturing myself with guilt over not getting enough done but also rationalizing it because I feel like shit. 

During this upcoming week I will get art matted & bagged because it is easier to take to events and I want a pretty high inventory for my first Swing event next Saturday.

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