Spreading happiness & positivity

area events art struggles news shows

I have a love/hate relationship with outdoor art events. I love that they're my best sales, and I love seeing how people react to my art. But I hate that they're so hot in KC in the summer, and that the weather is so temperamental and sometimes ruins the events.

My coach challenged me to come up with a way to make them fun this year. Together we came up with the idea to give out free stickers. I decided to create stickers for kids & adults, in order to spread happiness & positivity.

watercolor tree with the words "be yourself"

The kid friendly stickers are colorful circles featuring my paintings of rainbows and animals. For adults, I put positive messages on some of my favorite colorful paintings. These stickers are also biodegradable so if they're slapped up outdoors somewhere, they won't permanently deface anything!

yellow and blue watercolor with words "keep going"

So stop by any of my events this year to pick up your free sticker, and remember, no matter what else is going on in your life, keep going & be yourself.

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